
Friday, April 18, 2014

Blogging on Give1Save1

Not sure how many of you know, but I became a blogger for Give1Save1 a little bit ago. Matt always complained that I didn't have a hobby, but I'm not sure this is what he was thinking ;)

Each week that is my week to blog and do the Facebook page for the family of the week is a special week, but this week I had a first. An blogger turned author has decided to give the Cartwright family (my family this week!) 20% of the proceeds of the sale of her book for today only!!

Here was my post on the other blog about the book...

I've been looking forward to today for days now. Fridays are great and this one is pretty special.

 Author and blogger, Kelli Hays, has decided to generously donate 20% of the proceeds of the sale of her new book all day today!! Isn't that an amazing gift to our family of the week!

In her own words...

I'm honored to be able to play a part in getting Annabelle home to Brooke and Jeremy. Brooke and I have been friends since high school and I'm amazed at her faith in saying "yes" to adoption. It is my prayer that this book is a blessing to those who are enduring hard times, or are helping a loved one get through a difficult journey.

 The book is His Grace is Enough: Looking for God's comfort in times of trial. I decided that I couldn't write about the book without reading it... so that is just what I did yesterday and I can't wait to read it again.

We've all been there. A loss. A sickness. A betrayal. A door slammed in your face. A situation that you know is completely beyond your control and you feel helpless. You cry out to God. You start quoting His word.

LORD! You are the Great Physician. You are my every present help in time of need. You are sovereign. You are my Helper. God... I know you can do all things. Why won't you fix this? Where are you? What's the purpose of this suffering?!?

His Grace is Enough: Looking for God's comfort in times of trail is a book I'd recommend having on your Kindle for those times when you need a quick reminder of how modern day followers of Christ have handled their walks through the desert.

 Thank you, Kelli, for being willing to help support our family of the week! They have broken the $1,000 mark ... Let's see if we can hit $1,500 or MORE!

 Donate directly to the family of the week HERE.
Buy the book HERE.
Check out Kelli's blog HERE.


Saturday, April 12, 2014

A heart for the Lord. A heart for Uganda.

All of Azriel's presents for her 7th birthday involved the family and that showed her heart for us. A concert for all of us. Walkie talkies for all of us. It was so special and I am so proud of her. Now, It's Emma's turn.

Emma turns 10 in just 5 days. I don't know what most 10 year olds are asking to receive for their birthdays, but I know my girl is peculiar in her request... and that is just the way I like it.

Emma wants just three things. She wants a sleepover with two of her friends so they can bake a cake together. She has requested a poker night with her Gramps. She wants to sponsor a little girl in Uganda!!

There are TONS of sponsorship programs. Most of them are outstanding. It would have been hard for me to point her toward a specific organization if God hadn't placed one right in front of our faces.

On the plane ride home from Uganda when Matt was finally able to bring Isaac and John home, he met Kris. I don't know how their conversation went. I know they talked about her adoption and Uganda and our Ugandan adoption of our sons and her Ugandan daughter and on and on. Then, thankfully, she connected with me on Facebook. Those of you who know me know that this is the best way to get to know me. I'm not one to strike up a conversation on an airplane like my husband does, but I can social media with the best of them! A simple friend request has become a friendship. A common love for the same children and people. A desire to help the least of these through adoption, BUT not just through adoption. Kris is also the Associate Field Director with Deaf Child Hope International and helps finds sponsors for children at Boanerges Deaf Initiative in Uganda. I knew JUST who to contact when Emma made the decision to sponsor a child instead of getting "things" for her birthday!!

Today, I contacted Kris to see if there were any girls 9 or younger available to sponsor (Emma's criteria.) Very quickly she responded back with a little girls picture. She's maybe 5 or 6 and only been at the school since January. She is quiet, withdrawn, and had no language at all when she arrived at BDI, but is slowly opening up and learning to sign. Her name is Allen (pronounce eye-lean) and she is the girl that Emma has committed to sponsoring. Her photos will grace the walls of Emma's room. Emma's hope is that one day, Lord willing, that she will be able to visit Uganda, the country that stole her heart, to meet Allen, the little girl God has placed on her heart.

It is going to cost Emma (remember... she's 10!) $360 to sponsor Allen for a year. She has $120 from us in lieu of her presents. So, she needs to raise $240 more to cover food, medical, and school for a full 12 months. We know God will show up big to provide!

Updated total... Emma now has $255! Only $105 to go!!
Praise Him!

UPDATE #2... Fully funded in less than TWO DAYS!!!!

If you want to help Emma with her sponsorship, you can donate through our Paypal link above!

If you or one of your children would like to sponsor a child at BDI, you can email Kris! Find her contact information HERE.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

To the young man whose heart desires to one day marry my daughter...

I think of you often.

Each day, her father and I try to prepare her for you and protect her for you. We study God's word. We do family devotions. We are careful about the media she views. I am teaching her how to run a home, how to be an independent learner, how to teach, and how to plan and prepare meals. Her daddy is showing her love, concern, care, and affection. He also makes sure she sees how much he cares for me. She'll expect no less from you and she'll adore you back!

I don't know how you have handled or plan to handle your "love life," but we tend to be a little old fashioned in our home. Courtship is the plan. That does not mean at all that we are arranging her marriage. It does mean that she wants us to be a part of the decision to help protect her heart for the man that God wants her to wait for... you. We hope you are doing the same! Even if you haven't done that in the past, it's okay. Start fresh today.

Work hard. Study hard. Play hard. We like to give our all and appreciate those around us who do the same. Draw close to her heavenly Father. When the time comes, get to know her earthly father. Pray for her. Write her letters on those days when you are bummed that you aren't in a relationship because you are waiting for her. I'll encourage her to do the same. This path to marriage isn't a typical one, but I am confident God will bless you both through it.

Our daughter is beautiful. I'm sure you'll notice. Her attire is modest and that's on purpose too. You'll thank us later. We pray you have many years to enjoy one another physically so we ask you to refrain even from what most would consider the small things until your married. The line you draw that you both refuse to cross will be something that no one will be able to take from you. This is your time to build a friendship and draw closer to the Lord together. What better foundation could you ask for!

Know this... you are being prayed for right now! We are excited to meet you and love you as our son!

Till then,

Your future wife's momma