
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Decisions. Decisions.

Thank you to those who checked in with us to see how it all went! We have been a little busy with baby goats.
My husband is so handsome!

The kids are just darling and Ashley has been a great momma goat. We've had friends, their kids, and family come to see the kids and been outside with the kids while they hold the kids. How many times can I say kids in one paragraph??? Kids... speaking of kids. ;)

I think Matt and I were hoping to show up to this agency on Thursday and just get that gut feeling to know what to do... and it didn't happen. Don't get me wrong, it was well worth our time.We got a lot of great information. The lady was super nice. But. You fast. You pray. You hope God is going to put a big neon flashing arrow above the door you are supposed to go through. You go home and look at the thousands of photographs of waiting children on all sorts of websites. You read a bunch of blogs. You watch a ton of youtube gotcha stories. You listen to and read Kisses from Katie. You email more agencies. You wait.

And then a few days later you get an email with program details ... and inside are pictures, birthdates, a story... and wonder... Are these our children? You do the math to see how much it will cost... then you remember how much it cost Him to adopt you into His family. You add up the number of days you'll be gone... then you stop and remember how long He spent walking the earth to sacrifice it all for us. You pray more. First for wisdom for us, but then just for them.

I wish I could show you their picture and how you don't notice the dirty clothes and broken shoes first. It's their not smiling faces and eyes you see that let you know they have felt more pain then any child should. If I could only hold Miss M, Mr. J, and Mr. K for a little while and let them know they are loved. God has not abandoned them. He places the orphans in families and maybe, just maybe, it will be ours  (Psalms 68:5-6.)

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