
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunny with a chance of showers.

I'm not a weatherman, but I think this is a safe forecast for the next 6 months. Add in a 50% chance of severe thunderstorms in the afternoon and it may be dead on.  FYI... not talking about the weather.

Happy and content and with a genuine joyful hope for the future on most days (sunny) and then...

The kids go ape nuts and start destroying the house and each other. (thunder)

My youngest daughter burns her finger. My son prays for her and her sisters hold her close. (sunny)

The dog poops on the carpet while I have paperwork all over the table under a fan. (lightening)

I stay in my safe introverted corner of the room and wonder if I come across rude. I beat myself up for being reserved.  (rain)

My husband comes in to tell me that a man from the hunting and fishing store (you know... the one with the roof that is the color of grass) got his email and wants to help us raise funds and is figuring out what they can do. The gentleman asked what happens if we don't raise the money. Matt told him we will, but that, basically, the funds not being there delays the next step. I love how he knows it will happen. I love that this guy who has never met us read Matt's email and cared enough to call and ask questions. (sun shining bright and with a slight drizzle... maybe a double rainbow in the distance)

Many people. Standing with us. Hearts broken for the orphans. Reaching out with both hands to help.
I. am. amazed. 

James 1:27 (KJV)

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

We hope to do a video update soon to "talk" to everyone about what is going on and what we are doing... as soon as I set up the backdrop and tripod and all the kids are rested and not moody :)

Adoption Timeline Updates:

Physicals are DONE!
Next Wednesday is the final home-study visit!


191 of 500 pieces sponsored!
Over $2,000 raised so far!
(side note... $10,500 due when we mail the home-study to our agency)
Raffles are being planned for gym membership, complete cornhole setup, and, hopefully, something that launches projectiles. Be intrigued!

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