Wednesday, July 24, 2013

This week in the lives of the Williams family.

This is a quick overview of the past week. I hope one day to be able to share in more detail of how present God was in each of these days. The good ones and the hard ones... but first He has to unscramble my brain :) Read until the end to find out how far we have come!


Final Home-study visit is over!

We had done everything we could to prepare for this visit and God took care of the rest. In fact, we even got our passports over 1 week earlier than the earliest expected date. That meant we had zero things left to do for the home-study to be completed on our side! Now, we are just waiting for Matt's FBI fingerprints to come back and we can move on to the next step.


We ended the day with some hard labor while volunteering with Trinity and Emma's 4H group. They completely revamped the garden for the kids daycare at MRMC. They planted a variety of veggies, fruits, and flowering bushes.

Friday and Saturday


There are only a few things more encouraging than spending time with like minded people. You know who you are. To be honest, it can be a bit exhausting, but I'd do it again!


A great service at Calvary Chapel. Lots of uplifting conversation after. I love going to our church.

The evening didn't go as well as the morning. And that may be the understatement of the year. After the thunderstorm had passed, Matt took the three youngest to VBS at my mom's church while I finished making soap for us to sell as a fundraiser. He picked them up two hours later and found a sick feeling Azriel. If only it was a stomach flu that was ailing her. The stomach pain moved to throat pain. Pink skin turned red and then hives showed up. Emma mentioned candy in a basket being passed around. Some of the candy had peanuts. Matt and Trinity rushed Azriel to the emergency room immediately. It was bad. It could have been worse... and from what they say next time it will be. I am so thankful we were just minutes away from the hospital. This reaction progressed so very quickly. She is okay now. Thank you to all of you who showed up to help, who prayed with us and for us and spread the prayer chain across the state and across state lines! God had her in His hands and for that I am forever grateful!


Azriel and I stayed at the hospital until 2:30 when Grandma and Emma came to pick us up. The afternoon was as uneventful as we could make it!


Still tried to have a slow day :) I figured we would go ahead and start by sorting coins. Then, we decided to wrap them. $640+ in cash and change! Amazing. The kids are so excited that "their" fundraiser has been so well supported by all of you! You still have plenty of time to get your jars in. I think we will do this again we have 7 more jars. Thank you everyone!

This afternoon, I had a phone interview with The King William Local! They are doing an article about the adoption and the fundraising event being put on by Dinomite Daycare. What a blessing! Pray with me that it impacts lives. That those considering adoption take the next step to be part of the 147 million minus one group. That people come to this blog and read. That their hearts are changed. That they hear the Word.

247 pieces!   We are almost half done with this fundraiser. I can hardly believe it. I read the names and the verses you have chosen and I pray for you all... and then I read them again. I am in awe. Thank you. I just can't say it enough.  For years to come, we will be able to sit with Trinity, Emma, Margaret, Joel, Azriel, Kenneth, and Titus and cherish each word on the back of our little puzzle.

Yep. Their names. Margaret. Joel. Kenneth. The next great additions to the beautiful family God has given us.

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