
Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have become slightly obsessed (well, maybe a wee bit more than slightly) with putting "Uganda" plus other words into Google (or Vimeo or YouTube) to read, see, and hear everything to connect with where our new kids are right now. Around midnight last night, I came across this...

My kids are there. Right there. In that exact place. And then I begin to read about how the director and his family are pouring themselves into the lives of our children, pregnant women, people with vision issues, and the whole community while hosting short term missionaries.

"After waiting out a 3 hour rain, we visited (the orphanage.) Most of the team were deeply moved to see about 30 kids lying quietly and still on a tarp over a concrete floor for their nap. After nap time, when we returned from a time of door to door evangelism, they sang songs for us." --- Missions Team (Dr. Bonner) August 2013 ---

Words escape me. After sleeping on a tarp on a concrete floor they gave the Lord and the missions team what they have... their voices.

My heart aches and my eyes blur. I squirm in my seat uncomfortable with my current comfort.

I have been asked, always with kind words and a please at the end, to send the first payment to the orphanage as soon as possible for weeks now. I can't. I don't have it. And now after reading the reports. After hearing how they were told they had to find a new house in which to place the children. After knowing that they are still constructing the building where they live. And yet still they sing with joy to bless those God brought into their lives! How I wish I could sell all I have and send it to them.

Happiness only comes from things that happen, but joy. Joy comes from a spirit overflowing with the love of a Savior. My eyes may fill with tears as I miss them. My chest may tighten when I think of the days we must wait to get there. My head pounds. My knees get weak. But my God is still God. He reigns over VA and over Uganda. He cares for them and for me. He is my joy and the lifter of my head.

We thank you today as you share in our struggle, in our "uncomfortableness", in our praise reports, and in our JOY! I ask for your continued support. Please support us in prayer and by sharing our story and any other way you feel led.

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