
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Isaac and John Terry!

So... I am sitting an empty house. Just me, the Super Bowl, my dog, and my  laptop. Hanging out. Thinking about the last 9 months. Looking at the stats on this blog to see what people have read the most and shared the most. Realizing that this may be the last evening I have in an empty house for a long time and that makes me super happy.


That lasted all of thirty minutes. Emma and Azriel came home because the kids they were playing with were eating peanut m&ms and then trying to play with Azriel. Not good. Glad my kids watch out for one another!

This is now 36 hours past the incident and she had no reaction (thank you, Lord)... although she still kept me up all that night with her feet in my back! 

We have some exciting news to share this morning. 
Isaac and John Terry got their VISAS in hand! 

They are on their way now to the airport in Entebbe to fly to Ethiopia to fly to Rome to fly to Washington D.C. to be picked up by us. 

Praise Him with us. Each one of you. Go ahead. Praise pause.
Tomorrow morning will be our first hug as a family of eight!

A lot of other exciting first are happening tomorrow. A little girl we prayed for before God began to form her will be born at a hospital here in Richmond (We love you Ellen Blaire!... Oh, and Becky and Chris ;) )  Tomorrow, grandmas will become grandmas for the first time. Teens will get behind the wheel for the first time. Someone will get called for an interview for the first time in a long time. Unbelievers will walk in to a church to hear God's Word for the first time. Kids will ride a bike on their own for the first time. I could go on and on with fun firsts, but...

Tomorrow, some one will send off their son to war for the first time. A daughter will take her last breathe. A father will get bad diagnosis. Someone will be fired. HIV will take the life of a parent and leave a child alone for the first time. A little girl will spend the night in an orphanage for the first time. A boy who has prayed for a family for years will not pray for someone to come for the first time.

We will celebrate what God has done, but we will not forget those who are struggling.
Decide TODAY to be the one to hold the mother's hand, hug the father, take a meal to the daughter, or go bring the orphan home. 
Celebrate with us, but the story doesn't end here. Lots of little girls and little boys and big girls and big boys are waiting.
will you go?

Matt went. Twice.

Orphans no more!

Welcome home my newest sons...

Isaac and John Terry!