
Saturday, May 3, 2014

I didn't even ask...

I have followed the stories of a friend of mine for a long time now as she chronicles celebrating kindness. In fact, her blog's title is Celebrate Kindness... and that is exactly what I am doing today.

Over the past 31 years of my life, I have been the recipient of innumerable Random Acts of Kindness. Today, we received TWO from complete strangers and I didn't even leave my yard.

It's Saturday. Time to keep the school books in the cubbies and get outside to weed the garden, love on our animals, and clean up the yard. Matt started on the yard last night and the lawn mower was making an awful sound. One of the three blades was broken. Nice. This is just how are week has gone.

I was told I still can't lift over 10 pounds for two more weeks. The car broke down and may need a new engine. Health insurance issues... still. 5 of us are sick. Keys are lost. Kids arguing. And on and on.

Thankfully, Matt was able to get to the hardware store before they closed so he could change out the blade this morning, finish our yard, and get my parents yard done. We finished all our normal morning chores and breakfast before getting to work. I was in the back with kids and Matt was up front with the mower. Random Act of Kindness One came walking into our backyard. My kids let her in. We live our lives with an open door policy and encourage our kids to be hospitable. Our back neighbor, whom we have never met in the 4.5 years we've lived here, came bearing a gift of banana pudding with vanilla wafers and whip cream. One. of. my. favorites. Y'all (that's it... I've officially lost my yankee card) what you don't know is if she hadn't brought this I would have had no afternoon snack for my kids. I haven't been to the store because of the colds and the not lifting thing. I swear I feed my kids :)

I didn't know how difficult the rest of the day was going to be. It's 4 o'clock and Matt still doesn't have the lawnmower done. He's been to the store twice to get some new tools to get the lawnmower running right. I'm so proud of him. He has kept pushing through with a great attitude. We had everything we needed, but it still couldn't get one of the bolts to budge. Then drives up Random Act of Kindness Two. He rolls down his window to ask if this is where the yard sale was today. Nope. Not us. I figured he'd back out and head on his way. But then. "Can I help?" You have got to be kidding me. Not only did this guy offer to use his impact wrench to take off the broken blade and bolt, he helped load up the deck and gave us a tip on where to get some of the stuff we need for much cheaper.

I didn't even ask for God to send someone with snack because I didn't know I wouldn't have a chance to go to the store today. I didn't even ask God to send someone who had the right tools to fix the lawnmower because I thought we had what we needed. He just led these people to do these RAKs for us because as my Heavenly Father he cares for me. I'm in awe. I'm so thankful.


Emma turned TEN a few weeks ago!

She has her daddy's eyes and her Father's eyes... and his heart and His heart... 
His compassion and His love for all people. 

We joke that she sometimes goes to "space camp" in her head, but I think she is daydreaming about her amazing plans in the future.

She is loving, kind, a gentle leader, and a softy.

She isn't one to rush and is always willing to stop and smell the flowers.

Her name is short for Emmanuel meaning "With us is God!"

We love you, Emma!! You bring so much joy to our lives by just being you!
Happy birthday!

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