
Tuesday, October 21, 2014


So... I'm a slacker. Not really. Actually, the reason I haven't posted about the birthday from September and the one from the beginning of October is the lack of slacking that I have been doing. We have decided to try to sell our house and buy a house (or houses) with my folks on some land. Getting a house ready for sale after an adoption, the sale of one of our business locations, an adoption finalization, and melting together as a family isn't as easy as I thought. Silly me.


Trinity turned 13!!

I have a teenager. Which is impossible. I can't be that old. 

A reader. A dancer. A baker. A teacher. A daughter of the Most High.

Her Daddy would carry her anywhere... even if she is almost is tall as her Mama now!


 Trinity is a hard worker. Up early to fix breakfast. 
Always willing to help a sibling get their room cleaned up and organized.

 Her hands are consistently reaching out to help another... or reaching out for a dance partner. Have I mentioned the girl can dance?!?

 "I've been picking before. Let my brothers enjoy it this time." 
Real quote. It's just who she is. She's a little momma already and that is what she hopes to be!

 The smile on her face is a reflection of the joy she has in her heart thanks to her Heavenly Father.
Her name points to the Trinity as does her life.

 I am so proud of you sweet girl! You are a born leader with a kind heart.
God truly blessed me when He gave you to me.


James turned 10!

That was quick! No. Seriously. 

 A goofball. A climber. A fighter. A "helicopter" pilot. A music man.

James is willing to pull his weight during times of hard work. 
He is also ready to cuddle a little one that needs an extra hug.

He loves funny movies and any excuse to laugh.
Just ask him about the Minions or the Croods!!

He has a very serious side and is a deep thinker. 
The conversations about the Bible and life I've had with him have blown me away.

Thankfully, the grown up side and the kid side of him live happily together making our lives with him in it so very enjoyable. James really does brighten up our day!

He has two names. His "baba" gave him the name Isaac which means laughter.
He lives up to that name for sure!!! The name he chose after coming home with us was James. It's his Daddy's name. James means supplanter or "one who takes the place of another." 
Jesus did that for him. His daddy did that for his "baba." He did that as he became the oldest son in our family.

 I am so blessed to have been chosen by God to be your second momma! Your compassion for all, your prayers, and your love for the Lord amaze me. 

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