
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Change our Family FOREVER

Even for someone who enjoys paperwork, this may be a bit overwhelming. 
Part 1: UPDATE
It's been just over a week since we committed on paper to increasing our family size through adoption. So, I guess you could say we are "paper pregnant!"
I have so many details I could share... from sending off of the contract with our first of many checks to fixing my printer so I could print off the 50+ pages of ridiculous completely necessary paperwork. I honestly think the saying "everything but the kitchen sink" should be changed to "everything but a DNA sample." Okay. Back to the purpose here. Let me share a few God moments.
I spoke on the phone for 2.5 hours (I know! Who does that anymore!?!) with an amazing lady who has adopted from the same orphanage, had four bios at the time they adopted, and they homeschool. God is so good to me. I got to connect with the director of the home in Uganda through Facebook (much more my normal.) He is a pastor and has been very gracious to answer my messages when he wakes up at 5:30AM Uganda time. The next amazing thing was how quickly the agency here in Richmond is helping us get our homestudy done. Appointment one of three is complete. I believe I have about 2 weeks worth of paperwork to complete before the home visit... and some money to raise. That is an important part, but as we look at their picture at every meal, we are set at ease because we know God wants us all to care for the orphans! He will provide.
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
James 1:27
Part 2: Fundraising
To quote Johnny Cash ... "I yelled stick 'em up - Give me your money, your watches and rings."
I'm not to that point yet, but don't put it past me! If you don't know me well, let me put it out there that I'm mostly totally joking.
Here is a list of ideas we have found or come up with to cover the cost of the adoption. I also plan to apply for as many grants as I can once the homestudy is complete. PLEASE feel free to say
"Ummm. You may want to reconsider that idea" or "I love your idea. Pure Genius."
 And if you say the first one, please reply with an idea you think will work so I can crush your ego too :)
1. Build a Puzzle - Buy a puzzle (500 piece maybe) and write the name of the caring person on the back of their sponsored piece. ($5 or $10 per puzzle piece?)
2. Yard Sale - Except donations, clean out our garage/closets and SELL SELL SELL!
2.5  Repeat #2 - At a later date of course.
3. Personal Training - Snap Fitness is foregoing our percentage on all of Matt's personal training sales. This means 100% of what you spend goes to bringing our children home.
4. Give 1 Save 1 Africa - Make a professional looking video with the help of family and friends to attempt to be a featured family on this amazing blog. The family this week has already earned over $2,000!
5. Survival Bracelets - The girls are going to make and sell survival bracelets (paracord) with 100% of what is spent going into the adoption fund.
6. Change our Family Forever - See video. Click here --> Change
That's all for now folks. I promise the next post will be back to my normal style with less facts!

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