
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Homeschool Convention. A birthday came and went.


The HEAV Convention was great! Matt, the kids, and I met the Duggars. The keynotes and sessions were outstanding. It is the refreshment every home educating family needs and deserves.

I think I must have had on adoption tinted glasses. I kept thinking of next year and picturing all 9 of us being there. I spoke with a gentleman who had three bios, adopted 5 (sibling group) and then 2, had 2 more bios, and is adopting 6 now (another sibling group.) I saw a family with 7 kids all wearing "147 million minus 1" t-shirts. It's amazing how many orphans are waiting! Saturday, I was walking Azriel to the restroom when we spotted an interracial family. The girl smiled at me and then I saw her brother. His backpack had the flag of Uganda on it. God is so good to give me this little moments. I don't believe in coincidence. I do believe He cares for me that much.

Her birthday.

Emma is excited that her "twin" is now her age... until next April of course where she'll be older for less than two months :) This weekend Miss M turned 9. 

I know I'm not her mama yet, but I am. Does that make sense? I wish I could have flown to Uganda today to hold her, spoil her, and make her day as special as she is. Even if I could have, it may hurt her heart more to have me come and then leave, then if she didn't even know I existed. This is her first birthday as an orphan and I pray with all my heart it will be her last!

Today, I ask you all to say a prayer for her. Pray she feels her heavenly Father's arms wrapped around her. Pray that she somehow knows deep down she has a family that is thinking of her... hoping for her... wanting her here more than anything.

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